Research group: QURBIS


Who are we?

The main action framework of the group is focused on urban sustainability, cities and their inhabitants, and architecture, as a whole. The main areas of research focus on sustainable development: Sustainable Cities and Communities; Housing, adequate and affordable services; Improving slums; Transport, and sustainable mobility; Spatial planning and management in a participatory, integrated, and sustainable way; Inclusive urbanization; Simulation systems and models for managing human settlements; Urban Climate and Climate Change; Foresight and Urban Economy, Real Estate, Architectural Valuation, and Energy Efficiency; Architecture and quality of life improvement of neighborhoods; advanced urban or building data documentation systems of buildings, heritage, and urban tissues; urban protocols; etc. It develops its activity from a transversal perspective, involving different disciplines of knowledge.

Institution: Polytechnic University of Catalonia


Technologies, services and educational resources


Training resources of the AccessCat Network

The AccessCat Network organises training sessions led by researchers from its research groups that explore fundamental concepts of accessibility across various fields, such as culture, education, media, and technology. These are the sessions conducted by the group:


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