SIGN-HUB Platform Innovative and inclusive resource centre for the linguistic, historical, and cultural documentation of European sign languages and the heritage of their Deaf communities Responsible Josep Quer
Lexical and syntactic simplifier for Easy Reading Open source tool that simplifies texts both at a lexical and syntactic level, with the goal of offering easy-to-read texts Responsible Horacio Saggion
CREA-LSC: Resource centre for the teaching and learning of CSL Educational materials for the self-directed learning of CSL (Catalan Sign Language) in different specialised fields of knowledge Responsible Gemma Barberà
BRIGHTER FUTURE materials Teaching materials to develop sensitive and inclusive practices in schools and social settings Responsible Beatriz San Román Sobrino
Innovative platform for pragmatic language teaching Platform to learn Spanish, with a pragmatic and immersive learning approach Responsible Maria Isabel Gibert Escofet
Accessibility for the scenic arts Course on managing accessibility for the scenic arts Responsible Pilar Orero