MOOC on Catalan Sign Language Course for the initial learning of Catalan Sign Language Responsible Cristina Gelpí
The AccessCat Demos: Accessibility Technologies Online demonstrations of accessibility technologies developed by researchers from the AccessCat Network Responsible Xarxa AccessCat
ImmAcc Player Accessibility Layer Modular accessibility layers for 360º multimedia players Responsible Mario Montagud
Tool to translate sign language to text Tool to translate sign language to text capable of translating full sentences Responsible Horacio Saggion
Personal assistant for administrative procedures Virtual assistant that offers interactive, multimodal, and multilingual access to information on administrative procedures Responsible Jens Grivolla
Infographic "More Accessible Museums and Heritage" Recommendations to apply current legislation on accessibility and make content and facilities more accessible Projecte col·laboratiu DIDPATRI TraDiLex TransMedia Catalonia
Signosfera, every day a sign (LSC) Repository of signs in the field of law in Catalan Sign Language (LSC) Responsible Cristina Gelpí