Tutorial that offers an overview of existing automatic text simplification (TS) systems, the methods they use, and the strengths and weaknesses each one presents, with a direct comparison of their results.

The goal of the tutorial is to shatter common misconceptions on what is and what isn’t text simplification, and to see to what extent they share elements with automatic text summarisers and machine translation.

The tutorial presents all the existing resources on TS for different languages, including parallel corpora of manually produced TS, comparable corpora of automatically aligned TS, resources for paraphrasing and synonyms, tools to align specific sentences for TS, and various TS evaluation resources. It also presents the different evaluation methodologies for TS that exist and the necessary conditions to use them.


LANGUAGE: English.

URL: https://taln.upf.edu/pages/coling2018simplification/ 

  • Educational resource
Subject area
  • Easy Reading - Clear Communication
  • Digital Accessibility

If you would like more information, please contact us.

  • Lead Researcher: Horacio Saggion
  • Research group: TALN
  • Institution: