Awareness-raising Activities

Activities organised by researchers in the network in order to spread their knowledge on accessibility to society. The goal is to raise awareness on how important it is for everyone to have access to communication and information, as well as to offer innovative solutions.

Past Activities

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The AccessCat Network participates in the 32nd edition of Saló de l'Ensenyament at EspaiCiència with different activities to showcase the results of the research on accessibility.

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    Geneva, Switzerland

Researchers from TransMedia Catalonia, an AccessCat Network research group, participated in WSIS 2023, a high-level event coorganised by UN agencies.

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    Escola Canigó, Sant Just Desvern

#100tífiques is organised on the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science (February 11) to inspire children, overcome stereotypes in the world of science and technology, and promote networking among women scientists in the country. Blanca Arias, from the TraDiLex research group, conducts a presentation about accessibility.