Demonstrations and Showcases

Activities held by researchers in the network at fairs, congresses and conferences to show the technologies and services created by the research groups.

  • Day:
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A series of demonstrations to discover new technologies in the field of accessibility. In total, four technologies developed by the CLiC, MiA, QURBIS, and RELATE groups. Online, free to access, and aimed at the general public. The presentations are held in Catalan.

  • Day:
  • Place:

    CCCB, Barcelona

The AccessCat Network will bring together research groups, affiliated entities, companies, and institutions interested in communicative accessibility. A day of transfer, innovation, and networking on accessibility.

Past Activities

  • Day:
  • Place:

    La Farga, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat

Researchers from DIDPATRI and TransMedia Catalonia will present various projects on video game accessibility at the second edition of SAGA, the Gaming Show. This event is an initiative put forth by the Catalan-language NGO Plataforma per la Llengua. For more information and to purchase tickets, please visit their website.

  • Day:
  • Place:

    Fira Barcelona

The AccessCat Network will have a booth at the Smart City Expo World Congress, a global benchmark event in terms of intelligent cities and future urbanism. Researchers from the Network will present their technologies and services to attending companies, institutions, and organisations. Very soon, we’ll publish the schedule of presentations from our groups.

  • Day:
  • Time:
  • Place:

    Hotel Exe Campus, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Cerdanyola del Vallès

The group TransMedia Catalonia will participate in a matchmaking session between research groups, startups, and businesses during the UAB Innovation Week, an initiative that focuses on transferring the knowledge generated by researchers from the entire campus.

  • Day:
  • Time:
  • Place:

    CosmoCaixa, Barcelona

Four groups in the AccessCat Network (ReLaTe, TALN, TraDiLex, and TransMedia Catalonia) will participate in Research Night with the following activities:


  • “Digital content for all: Research on accessibility at Catalan universities”: Workshops to find out if we can create video games, dictionaries, and other accessible digital content for all, and if AI can help us do this. There will be Catalan sign language interpreting.
  • “Discovering cultural heritage in terms of accessibility and sustainability: Where the past meets the future”: Unveiling of the YoungArcHers, ATHENA, and WELL projects on accessibility to communication, culture, and education.
  • “Accessibility and inclusion in communication and the discussion on climate change and migration: GreenSCENT and MILE”: Interactive questions on sustainability and diversity to discover the strategies for change put forth by these two projects.