
Capsules or training sessions on accessibility to information and communication geared towards companies, institutions, and entities. There is also training for researchers in the network on how to evaluate and transfer research results.

Past Activities

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Researcher Afra Pascual Almenara from GRIHO (UdL) organises a basic web accessibility training course for ecityclic. The course is divided into three modules: awareness, accessibility evaluation, and accessible coding.

Only for researchers

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The fourth training capsule of the AccessCat Network is titled " Intellectual property in the Research Field." Presented by the intellectual property experts from ClarkeModet.

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Researchers from 6 research groups within the AccessCat Network will impart six online training capsules that are fully independent, free, and addressed to the general public. In a practical and entertaining way, they will teach participants how to be more accessible when it comes to communication and information. 

Only for researchers

  • Day:
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The third training capsule of the AccessCat Network is titled "Communication Tips to Increase Impact in Transfer." Presented by Eva Loste (CEO of Ubik Media, a scientific communication agency).