International Missions

Activities abroad through which researchers in the network acquire new abilities and knowledge that will help them transfer their specific research to society.

Past Activities

  • Day:
  • Place:

    Riga, Latvia

Pilar Orero, researcher at Transmedia Catalonia, will travel to Riga (Latvia) to participate in the 5G Techritory Forum to liaise with 5G market leaders and identify possible research transfer to the business sector on research results regarding accessibility to the metaverse. 

  • Day:
  • Place:

    Headquarters of the International Telecommunications Union, Geneva

Pilar Orero, Estel·la Oncins, and Anna Matamala, all members of the research group Transmedia Catalonia, will work on accessibility in the metaverse at the ITU through the presentation of high-level documents and working group meetings.