
Mario Montagud

Research group


Lead Researcher

Sergi Fernández



Modular accessibility layer integrated into VR360 web players (360º video) that offers a new set of improved presentation modes for accessibility services, as well as accessible interactive modalities, with a high level of customisation. 

It provides a full VR360 video and spatial audio experience, improved with an interactive and hyper-personalised presentation of access service content (subtitles, audio description, and sign language), via accessible user interfaces that have been validated with users with accessibility needs. It also provides assistive technologies such as magnification features, guiding methods, and voice control, which can be efficiently integrated in multi-screen scenarios.

The modular accessibility layer is decoupled from the traditional media layer but offers seamless blending and allows the integration of immersive and accessibility content in current broadcast-related services. All these access services are provided via independent streams to the main audio and video, thus enabling interactive personalisation and innovative presentation modes, such as attaching visual elements to the field of view, to specific areas of the scene, or just re-positioning and re-sizing them dynamically as desired. 

This architecture allows for the content creation process to be cheaper, faster, and to offer high-quality results if it is integrated with professional writing tools and editors.

This technology is the result of the collaboration between the research centres MediaTech Area (i2Cat) and Transmedia Catalonia (UAB), the Corporació Catalana de Mitjans Audiovisuals (CCMA - TV3), and a private company (Anglatècnic).


You can see how the techonology works in The AccessCat Demos [in Catalan].

  • Technology
Subject area
  • Subtitling
  • Audio Description
  • Sign Language
  • Easy Reading - Clear Communication
  • Digital Accessibility

If you would like more information, please contact us with the reference: 'ImmAcc Player Accessibility Layer.'

ImmAcc Player accessibility layer