Training programme created within the IMPACT project, in which the UAB collaborated as a partner, with the goal of training mediators in digital accessibility. This new professional profile responds to the European directive on web accessibility and guarantees that the needs of persons with disabilities are kept in mind when designing and producing content and digital services. Passing the course prepares you to successfully pass the oral and written exams to qualify as an ECQA Certified Digital Accessibility Mediator.

The programme contains four units:

  • Unit 1 – Understanding accessibility
  • Unit 2 – Compatibility with accessibility and access services
  • Unit 3 – Implementing web accessibility
  • Unit 4 – Accessibility promotion 





  • Educational resource
Subject area
  • Subtitling
  • Audio Description
  • Sign Language
  • Easy Reading - Clear Communication
  • Digital Accessibility

If you would like more information, please contact us.