Video game that tells the story of Júlia, a teen from Majorca. Our protagonist’s story begins just before the COVID-19 pandemic, and during the game we help Júlia deal with being a teenager, survive high school, and manage her family, all while reflecting on her uncertain future.
The game is structured through interactions with several characters and minigames inspired by daily activities and scientific knowledge in order to foster critical thinking on the challenges present in our society. It includes tasks on identifying fake news in social media or presenting scientific content on epidemics. What’s more, all of this occurs while we try to keep Júlia’s mental health from faltering when faced with upcoming personal challenges.
The video game includes accessibility measures–reinforced subtitles for sound events, as well as the possibility to adapt interactions, three languages, etc.–and it won the Best Fully Developed Digital Game award at the International Educational Games Competition, in October 2023.
LANGUAGE: Catalan, Spanish, English
- Educational resource
- Subtitling
- Digital Accessibility
If you would like more information, please contact us.