
Gemma Barberà

Research group


Lead Researcher

Josep Quer


Universitat Pompeu Fabra

LSC-UPF Actua is a service that provides counsel, training, and dissemination in the field of sign languages in general, and Catalan Sign Language (LSC) in particular

Its areas of operation are:

  • Awareness-raising and contributions to making sign language known.
  • Training and professional development in sign language and interpreting.
  • Creation of resources for the teaching and learning of sign language, as well as the interpreting of these languages.
  • Dissemination of the research content and the transfer of sign language.
  • Integration of technical and audiovisual elements in the treatment of signed information. 
  • Creation of networks with the main social agents in the field of LSC.


LSC-UPF Actua is a global project of a singular a transversal nature that incorporates an integral view of the needs for sign language and interpreting. It provides solutions and strategies based on a continuous work history with over twenty years of experience in the field of research, teaching, counsel, outreach, and the dissemination of LSC. It is made up of a high-level team with international experience in research and educational innovation, with Deaf and hearing persons working together, based on three main pillars:

  • The study and understanding of sign languages as visual-gestural minority languages. 
  • Teaching and learning processes for sign languages and the interpreting of this linguistic mode.
  • Dissemination and transfer in signed and audiovisual modes.



  • Service
Subject area
  • Sign Language

If you would like more information, please contact us.