Awareness-raising Activities

Activities organised by researchers in the network in order to spread their knowledge on accessibility to society. The goal is to raise awareness on how important it is for everyone to have access to communication and information, as well as to offer innovative solutions.

Past Activities

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For this year's GAAD, the AccessCat Network organized a meeting with the affiliated entities. During the event, attendees will learn more about the network's evolution and the other entities entities, providing a great opportunity to explore the social and cultural landscape dedicated to accessibility.

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This webinar will tackle significant environmental challenges and emphasise the need to consider gender, disabilities, age, cultures, and other intersectional factors in order to ensure a truly inclusive green transition. This event is part of the GAAD 2024.

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A workshop intended for staff from the Generalitat de Catalunya's departments and public sector organizations to learn about new regulatory and technological developments in accessibility and future work directions. Researchers Anna Matamala (TransMedia Catalonia, UAB), Horacio Saggion (TALN, UPF), and Estel·la Oncins Noguer (TransMedia Catalonia, UAB) will participate. This event is part of the GAAD 2024.

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    Rectorate Auditorium UAB (UAB Campus)

The AccessCat Network, with the support of the Vice-Rectorate for Transfer, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship of the UAB and the AGAUR through the Grants for R&D&I Networks (2021XARDI00007), and in collaboration with the UAB Research Park and the General Directorate of Knowledge Transfer of the Government of Catalonia, organizes a conference on knowledge transfer in social sciences and humanities.