Awareness-raising Activities

Activities organised by researchers in the network in order to spread their knowledge on accessibility to society. The goal is to raise awareness on how important it is for everyone to have access to communication and information, as well as to offer innovative solutions.

Past Activities

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The affiliated entity Clúster Audiovisual de Catalunya organises this series of sessions dedicated to showcasing university research and innovation projects related to the audiovisual sector. In this session, researcher Mirea Farrús (UB) participated to present SCRIBAL, one of the winning solutions of the Accessibility Solutions Awards.

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Pilar Orero leads a Q&A session with experts, focusing on removing barriers and ensuring accessibility in the metaverse.

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    London, United Kingdom

Carme Mangiron and Maria Eugenia Larreina-Morales, researchers from the research group TransMedia Catalonia, participate in The Game Accessibility Conference, the leading event for video game accessibility. Two days focused on building connections between experts, researchers, professionals, and companies in the sector.

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Pilar Orero participates in the webinar "Metaverse 360°: Exploring Accessibility, Inclusion, and Human Rights at Dominicana Innova," focusing on accessibility in the metaverse. It is organised by the ITU and the Permanent Mission of the Dominican Republic to the UN.