International Missions

Activities abroad through which researchers in the network acquire new abilities and knowledge that will help them transfer their specific research to society.

  • Day:
  • Place:

    Cavtat, Croatia

Researchers Geraint Paul Rees, Blanca Arias-Badia, Elisenda Bernal, and Sergi Torner are participating in the 21st EURALEX International Congress Lexicography and Semantics with a workshop on accessibility for dictionary creators, linguistic software developers, and lexicography researchers.

Past Activities

  • Day:
  • Place:

    Geneva (Switzerland)

Several UN agencies came together for the first UN Virtual Worlds Day, a date to explore and discuss how the metaverse and virtual environments can help achieve the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). Researchers from the network, Anna Matamala, Estel·la Oncins, and Pilar Orero (TransMedia Catalonia), participated in the event.

  • Day:
  • Place:

    Geneva (Switzerland)

Researchers Anna Matamala, Estel·la Oncins, and Pilar Orero (TransMedia Catalonia) participated in the seventh meeting of the ITU Focus Groups on the Metaverse (FG-MV). The sessions involved dialogue, debate, and the development of high-level standards and documents.

  • Day:
  • Place:

    Geneva, Switzerland

The AccessCat Network, along with researchers from the TransMediaCatalonia and TALN research groups, is part of WSIS 2024, a high-level event co-organized by ITU, UNESCO, UNDP, and UNCTAD.

  • Day:
  • Place:

    London, United Kingdom

Carme Mangiron and Maria Eugenia Larreina-Morales, researchers from the research group TransMedia Catalonia, participate in The Game Accessibility Conference, the leading event for video game accessibility. Two days focused on building connections between experts, researchers, professionals, and companies in the sector.