International Missions

Activities abroad through which researchers in the network acquire new abilities and knowledge that will help them transfer their specific research to society.

Past Activities

  • Day:
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    Rennes, France

Participation in the ITU Study Group 16. Within the framework of Question 16/26 of WP2, TransMedia Catalonia researchers Sarah McDonagh, Anna Matamala, Estel·la Oncins, and Pilar Orero made several contributions towards future standards.

  • Day:
  • Place:

    Bridge Multimedia, New York

The network director, Anna Matamala, participated as a keynote speaker at Bridge Multimedia's annual Advisory Board meeting. Additionally, two further activities were conducted to promote the network.

  • Day:
  • Place:

    Queretaro, Mexico

Estel·la Oncins and Pilar Orero, researchers at TransMedica Catalonia, are participating in the 4th International Telecommunication Union Forum, "Shaping the CitiVerse: People Centred Cities & Virtual Worlds."  Orero as a speaker in the session "Digital Frontiers: Navigating the Digital Landscape of the CitiVerse," and Oncins as a participant in the 5th meeting of the focus group on accessibility and inclusion in the metaverse.

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The Network’s director and researcher at TransMedia Catalonia, Anna Matamala, will participate in the regional forum “Accessible Europe: ICT 4 All”, organised by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the European Commission, and co-organised by AccessibleEU. She will be one of the speakers at the round table “Accessibility in the Metaverse: Crafting Inclusive Virtual Worlds”.