Submitted by tothomweb on 20 December
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  • Joan Heras Costa

    Founding partner and member of the Catalan Association for the Integration of the Blind (ACIC)

  • Laia Asso

    General Director of Inclusive Education at the Government of Catalonia

  • Santi Aragonès

    Vice president of the Catalan Audiovisual Cluster | General Manager Wall Video S.A.

  • Raül Casas

    Director of Universal Accessibility at TMB

  • Sílvia Garre

    Director of Digital Development at the Centre for Telecommunications and Information Technology

  • Agnès Pros Fierro

    Senior Technician at the Assessment, Studies, and Transparency Service of the Technical Board of the Department of Culture

  • Jean-Marc Segarra Mauri

    Head of Accessibility and General Director of Public Centres at the Government of Catalonia

  • Rosa Vallverdú

    Head of Accessibility at the Corporació Catalana de Mitjans Audiovisuals