Call for disruptive solutions - 2025

Estat: Open Call


This call intends to fund valorisation studies for disruptive solutions related to information and communication accessibility.

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Catalunya Film Festivals, a member entity of the network, organises the Film Festivals Learning and Sharing HUB (FFLASH-HUB), an international meeting and training point for film festival professionals. Network researcher Andrea Granell (DIDPATRI) and member entities Dincat and Èlia Sala participated as speakers in the round table 'Catalonia Accessibility Code: Opportunities and Challenges for True Inclusion'.

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The member entity Clúster Audiovisual de Catalunya organises this series of sessions dedicated to showcasing university research and innovation projects related to the audiovisual sector. In this session, researcher Mirea Farrús (UB) participated to present SCRIBAL, one of the winning solutions of the Accessibility Solutions Awards.

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Researcher Afra Pascual Almenara from GRIHO (UdL) organises a basic web accessibility training course for ecityclic. The course is divided into three modules: awareness, accessibility evaluation, and accessible coding.

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Activities on accessibility for people with low vision and other blindness-related needs. These activities were conducted within the framework of Campus Ítaca, a socio-educational program at UAB aimed at secondary school students that involves a stay on campus during June and July.

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Participation in the tenth edition of the Forum on Technologies and Innovation, an event aimed at promoting technological transfer and networking in R&D.

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Researchers María Eugenia Larreina and Marta Brescia (Transmedia Catalonia) participate in the 2023 edition of Sónar Pro (the festival's space for professionals) with the presentation "The Sound of Metaverse," focusing on accessibility in the metaverse and at music events.

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