Teaching materials to develop sensitive and inclusive practices in schools and social settings
Lead Researcher Diana Marre Cifoa

BRIDGES virtual lab

Teaching tools to foster social inclusion in higher education
Lead Researcher Diana Marre Cifoa

Call for standardisation activities - 2024

This call intends to fund actions performed by groups within the AccessCat Network whose goal it is to participate in drafting regulations/standards or high-level documents (policy papers, etc.) in institutions, standardising organisations, and European and international references in the field of accessibility to communication and information.

Call for international missions - 2024

This call intends to fund the development of international missions in which members of the AccessCat Network can acquire new skills and knowledge that facilitate the valorisation and transference of their research in the field of communication and information accessibility.

Call for awareness-raising activities on accessibility - 2024

This call intends to fund actions performed by groups within the AccessCat Network whose goal it is to raise awareness on information and communication accessibility in the social and business fabric based on knowledge generated by the research groups.

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Researchers Carme Mangiron and María Eugenia Larreina participate in the 1st edition of FIVI (International Inclusive Video Game Festival) with two presentations and as jury members for the awards recognizing the most accessible games.

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TransMedia Catalonia brings together educators, researchers, UX experts, air quality specialists, and accessibility experts in the webinar "Smart and Accessible Tools for Education for Sustainable Development" to present cutting-edge educational tools from two European projects: GreenSCENT and ClearClimate. Te webinar will be held during the LearningPlanet Festival, organized by LearningPlanet Institute and UNESCO for International Education Day.

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