Combined service that evaluates the usability and accessibility of a website through a numerical rating that offers a quantitative value. Using a proprietary innovative methodology, one of the experts in the group provides a numerical diagnostic that allows you to precisely know the website’s degree of usability and accessibility. This numerical diagnostic is translated to a tabulated rating that allows you to compare different websites.
The methodology developed by the group GRIHO over more than 30 years combines expert knowledge in different fields, which provides an innovative service that stands out because:
- It merges usability and accessibility into a single evaluation
- This innovative numerical rating for evaluation, developed through years of research in heuristic evaluation, quantifies both usability and accessibility at the same time, while also comparing them to other reference websites.
- The methodology considers the WCAG guidelines (accessibility guidelines for web content), developed by the worldwide benchmark organisation W3C, and which are the basis for current and future legislation. Deep knowledge of these guidelines allows the GRIHO group to adapt to the legislation present in different countries, with different levels of compliance and stringency. For example, even though European legislation currently mandates that recommendations 2.1 (level AA) must be complied with, the group GRIHO, thanks to their experience in the field, can go one step further and offer the latest recommendations (level AAA).
- Service
Subject area
- Digital Accessibility
If you would like more information, please contact us with the reference: 'Web Evaluation U+A.'