Research group: TraDiLex


Who are we?

TraDiLex has been formed by researchers from two groups, GEDIT and InfoLex who share an interest in lexical analysis from various perspectives, both theoretical and applied, an empirical methodology and a multilingual perspective. The TraDiLex group carries out research in the field of translation studies and applied linguistics, specifically lexicography and discourse analysis. Its scientific activity develops different lines of research in which the lexicon is the main object of study, with an interdisciplinary approach – which includes morphology, lexicology, semantics, and pragmatics – and a contrastive approach – which considers the combination of different languages. From a methodological point of view, the group’s research is characterized by the study of empirical data from corpora in which the lexicon is analyzed in context from various applied perspectives, ranging from the description of the linguistic information included in lexicographical works, the study of neology for dictionary development, the analysis of the mechanisms of translation of linguistic variation, to media accessibility, multilingualism in audiovisual productions, or discourse on migration.

Institution: Pompeu Fabra University


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Training resources of the AccessCat Network

The AccessCat Network organises training sessions led by researchers from its research groups that explore fundamental concepts of accessibility across various fields, such as culture, education, media, and technology. These are the sessions conducted by the group:


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