Researcher Pilar Orero (TransMedia Catalonia) will participate in the Techritory Forum, a leading event in Europe in 5G, and in a webinar by the ICT Standardisation Observatory and Support Facility in Europe

Interest in the metaverse increasingly grows within official bodies and the industrial fabric, which reasserts the importance of this new virtual world. However, to ensure it is inclusive and everyone can use it, we must guarantee that it is accessible.

In this sense, Pilar Orero (TransMedia Catalonia), researcher in the AccessCat Network, will participate in two initiatives that take place in October to defend accessibility in the metaverse.

Firstly, the researcher will be in Riga on 18 and 19 October to take part in the 5G Techritory Forum, an initiative that brings together key agents in 5G development with the goal of developing a robust 5G environment that is aligned in Europe and on an international level. 

One of the most important topics on the table will be The Metaverse’s technical readiness and use cases, in which Orero will share the work her research group, TransMedia Catalonia, performs in terms of accessibility in the metaverse to the International Telecommunication Union. Moreover, this will be an exceptional opportunity to liaise with worldwide market leaders such as Nokia, Meta, or Siemens, and to explore new ways of transferring knowledge in the corporate sector.

Then, on October 24, Orero will also attend the “Walk & Talk Webinar - Towards the CitiVerse & a citizen-centric virtual world for EU Cities and Communities”, organised by (Support European Experts Presence in International Standardisation Activities in ICT). At this event, several experts will speak to representatives of the industrial sector, official bodies, and experts in order to present the work done within the framework of the 2026 EUOS Technical Working Group.

One of the seminars will be given by Orero and, again, the researcher will assert all the work done within the ITU Focus Group Metaverse (Study Group 8) to defend the need to create an accessible metaverse that is truly inclusive for everyone.

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