The event served as an opportunity to showcase projects from the CLiC (UB) and TransMedia Catalonia (UAB) research groups.
On 18 November, ACAPPS organised the Seminar on Deafness, Automatic Transcription, and Accessibility, which aimed to discuss the future of oral communication technologies.
The seminar provided a platform for knowledge exchange, bringing together research groups focused on accessibility, automatic transcription companies, and organisations from the sector. During the event, the results of automatic transcription trials conducted by ACAPPS were presented, along with the dissemination of a report from the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) on Catalan-language technologies for accessibility.
Additionally, researchers Anna Matamala (TransMedia Catalonia) and Mireia Farrús (CLiC) from the AccessCat Network presented their projects. One of the standout technologies highlighted during the seminar was SCRIBAL, a technology funded by the AccessCat Network through the I Call for Disruptive Solutions.
You can watch the seminar online on the ACAPPS YouTube channel [in Catalan].
Discover more about SCRIBAL in this 15-minute capsule [in Catalan].