Approved on 23 July 2023 by the International Standardization Organization, the ISO/IEC Standard 23859:2023 is groundbreaking on an international level

The director of the AccessCat Network, Anna Matamala, and Ester Hedberg, from the Swedish National Association for Dyslexia, have co-edited the ISO/IEC Standard 23859:2023 Information technology - User interfaces - Requirements and recommendations on making written text easy to read and understand, officially published on 23 July 2023 by the International Standardization Organization.

This is a groundbreaking ISO/IEC standard, as it establishes requirements and recommendations for all written text so that it is easy to read and understand, regardless of its format. It includes recommendations for different levels of simplification, from what has traditionally been referred to as Easy Reading to Plain Language. Moreover, it falls under the fourth goal for Sustainable Development put forth by the United Nations regarding quality education.

You can see the Standard on ISO/IEC’s website and, if you would like to know more about easy-to-understand language, we suggest you watch a video created within the framework of the EASIT European project, led by TransMedia Catalonia.

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