The research group DIDPATRI, led by Xavier Rubio-Campillo, has won the fully developed digital games category with Julia: A Science Journey. This competition was held within the European Conference on Games Based Learning

The International Educational Games Competition awards transformative video games that have educational goals while also serving as a meeting point where video game designers can share their creations and collaborate with each other. This competition, currently in its eleventh edition, was held within the European Conference on Games Based Learning.

Xavier Rubio-Campillo, lead researcher of DIDPATRI (UB), has won the fully developed video game category with Julia: A Science Journey, which possesses a transformative approach and numerous accessibility measures.

This video game is set in 2020 and tells us the story of Julia, a teen who has to deal with typical teenage problems, such as school, family, and friends, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Julia: A Science Journey can be downloaded for free.

Science Journey poster



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