From 21 to 28 June, researchers from 6 research groups within the AccessCat Network will impart 6 online training capsules that are fully independent, free, and addressed to the general public.
The AccessCat Network opens registration for 6x15: Accessibility June, 6 brief 15-minute presentations in which researchers from the research groups DIDPATRI, TRACTE, NODES, TransMedia Catalonia, TRaDiLex, and GRIHO will teach participants how to be more accessible when it comes to communication and information in a practical and entertaining way.
The training capsules will take place Fridays from 21 to 28 June, from 13:00 to 13:45. They will be online, free, and open to anyone who wants to learn more about the world of accessibility. All capsules will have subtitles and Catalan Sign Language interpreting. The first two capsules will explain what accessibility is and which regulations apply. Later sessions will deal with various topics such as audio description, subtitling, clear communication, or accessibility in websites, the scenic arts, and educational spaces.
The capsules are independent and attendees may choose to attend only a few sessions. In any case, prior registration is required. Below, you’ll find the full programme:
Friday, June 21
- 1:00 PM: Accessibility in direct customer service (Andrea Granell, DIDPATRI).
1:15 PM: How to use accessibility for language learning (Floriane Bardini, TRACTE).
1:30 PM: Accessibility in social media (Cris Ladaga, NODES).
Friday, June 28
- 1:00 PM: Accessible audio guides and the use of AI tools (Estel·la Oncins, TransMedia Catalonia).
- 1:15 PM: How to make a show or festival accessible (Blanca Arias, TraDiLex).
- 1:30 PM: How to validate accessibility in web environments (Afra Pascual, GRIHO).
Remember you can register now! We hope to see you there!