Pilar Orero, Anna Matamala, Horacio Saggion, and Sergi Fernández, researchers from the groups TransMedia Catalonia, TALN, and MiA, attended the NEM Summit in Brussels, which establishes strategic agendas in the telecommunications sector.

New European Media (NEM) is a technologies and telecommunications platform that celebrates the NEM Summit each year to establish strategic agendas for the sector. This year, the summit has held on 23 and 24 October in Brussels, and saw the participation of the researchers Pilar Orero, Anna Matamala (TransMedia Catalonia (UAB), Horacio Saggion (TALN, UPF), and Sergi Fernández (MiA, I2Cat).

Throughout both days, there were various sessions dedicated to current events in the field of communication technologies, ranging from artificial intelligence to immersion in web environments.

  • The researchers from TransMedia Catalonia and TALN participated in a panel held on 24 October focusing on accessible communication and democratisation and inclusion in virtual environments. During the panel, the importance of citizens and methodologies focusing on users and their needs was highlighted. The need to always bear in mind the diversity of persons when making technological progress was also stressed. The panel was led by Pilar Orero and, as well as the contributions by Anna Matamala and Horacio Saggion, saw the participation of Chris Hughes (Salford University, United Kingdom), Sabine Braun (Centre for Translation Studies, University of Surrey, United Kingdom), and Roberta Lulli (European Disability Forum).
  • Additionally, Sergi Fernández, from MiA, acted as session chair in the panel Current European Research on Virtual Worlds, held on 23 October.

Previously, Anna Matamala and Pilar Orero had attended the Digital Media Workshop by Minalogic, which was also held in Brussels on the 22, right before the NEM Summit. This event served as a meeting to establish bonds among the professional fabric of digital artistic creation and to share opportunities and developments in the sector. Matamala, director of the Network, had the opportunity to present the activities and transfer performed by AccessCat and the research group TransMedia Catalonia.

Anna Matamala at the NEM Summit with the presentation Accessible Communication in Virtual World and Standards: User Perspectives Across Use Cases



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