The AccessCat Demos: Accessibility Technologies showcase four accessibility-related technologies developed by the CLiC, MiA, QURBIS, and ReLaTe research groups.
The series is now available on AccessCat's YouTube channel. There is a playlist with the four capsules to make viewing the materials easier:
- SCRIBAL: Transcription and automatic speech synthesis technology for specific domains (Mireia Farrús, CLiC – UB).
- ImmAcc Player Accessibility Layer (Mario Montagut, MiA – i2Cat).
- Accessible digital twins (Jordi Casals, QURBIS – UPC).
- HablaVídeo: Innovative platform for pragmatic language teaching (Isabel Gibert, ReLaTe – URV).
All demos are in Catalan, with subtitles and Catalan Sign Language (LSC) interpreting.
You can also read more about the technologies in AccessCat's catalogue [in English]: SCRIBAL, ImmAcc Player Accessibility Layer, Accessible digital twins, and HablaVídeo.
- Educational resource
Subject area
- Subtitling
- Audio Description
- Sign Language
- Digital Accessibility
- Easy Reading - Clear Communication
If you would like more information, please contact us with the reference: 'The AccessCat Demos.'