Research group: DIDPATRI

Who are we?

DIDPATRI (Didactics and Heritage) studies the uses of Cultural Heritage as an educational tool. The group applies innovative methods to create, analyse, and present various elements of cultural heritage—including archaeological sites, battlefields, contemporary art, and the intangible heritage shaped by society.

The didactics of cultural heritage is a highly diverse field that encompasses not only tangible heritage but also memory, learning methods, and the challenges of the digital society. DIDPATRI embraces this complexity through a radically interdisciplinary approach to cultural heritage, drawing on the diverse training, knowledge, and experience of its researchers.

Institution: University of Barcelona


Technologies, services and educational resources


Training resources of the AccessCat Network

The AccessCat Network organises training sessions led by researchers from its research groups that explore fundamental concepts of accessibility across various fields, such as culture, education, media, and technology. These are the sessions conducted by the group:


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