Who are we?
ReLaTe (Research group in language and technologies) conducts pioneering research at the interface between languages and technologies. Our work focuses on the contributions, both theoretical and practical, that technology can make to teaching and learning of and about languages and their respective cultures, highlighting the social and economic value this brings.
Institution: Rovira i Virgili University
Technologies, services and educational resources
- HablaVideo: Innovative platform for pragmatic language teaching (you can see how the technology works in The AccessCat Demos [in Catalan])
- CALL: Computer assisted language learning
- Tucheze na tusome
- LexiSciAccess: Accessible dictionaries
- EDictViz: A visually accessible dictionary website
Training resources of the AccessCat Network
The AccessCat Network organises training sessions led by researchers from its research groups that explore fundamental concepts of accessibility across various fields, such as culture, education, media, and technology. These are the sessions conducted by the group:
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