
The AccessCat Network and its members organise and participate in different types of activities and actions.

Some activities are addressed to the public—such as awareness-raising activities, demonstrations, showcases, and some training activities—and some actions are carried out within the research groups—such as international missions or standardisation activities.

Awareness-raising Activities

Activities organised by researchers in the network in order to spread their knowledge on accessibility to society. The goal is to raise awareness on how important it is for everyone to have access to communication and information, as well as to offer innovative solutions.

International Missions

Activities abroad through which researchers in the network acquire new abilities and knowledge that will help them transfer their specific research to society.


Researchers in the network participate in drafting regulations, standards, or high-level documents in European and international bodies (ISO, UNE, ITU, CEN, EBU…) to ensure accessibility is taken into account in public policies.


Capsules or training sessions on accessibility to information and communication geared towards companies, institutions, and entities. There is also training for researchers in the network on how to evaluate and transfer research results.

Support for Disruptive Solutions

Contest addressed to researchers in the network to fund and support innovative proposals that find solutions to issues related to accessibility to communication and information.

Demonstrations and Showcases

Activities held by researchers in the network at fairs, congresses and conferences to show the technologies and services created by the research groups.

Future Activities

Past Activities

  • Day:
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The Network’s director and researcher at TransMedia Catalonia, Anna Matamala, will participate in the regional forum “Accessible Europe: ICT 4 All”, organised by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the European Commission, and co-organised by AccessibleEU. She will be one of the speakers at the round table “Accessibility in the Metaverse: Crafting Inclusive Virtual Worlds”.

  • Day:
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    Geneva, Switzerland

Sarah Anne McDonagh, researcher at TransMedia Catalonia, joins the focus group about metaverse at ITU in Geneva. The researcher will attend "MV Working Group 8 - Sustainability, Accessibility & Inclusion" to develop a technical report on accessibility in a sustainable metaverse.

  • Day:
  • Place:

    La Farga, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat

Researchers from DIDPATRI and TransMedia Catalonia will present various projects on video game accessibility at the second edition of SAGA, the Gaming Show. This event is an initiative put forth by the Catalan-language NGO Plataforma per la Llengua. For more information and to purchase tickets, please visit their website.

  • Day:
  • Place:

    Teatre Àtrium | Av. Josep Tarradelles, 17 | Viladecans

The researcher Blanca Arias-Badia (TraDiLex, UPF) will represent the Network at this event that brings together representatives from the cultural sector and experts on issues such as accessibility, sustainability, and co-production. She will present a decalogue on accessibility to art in the streets, created with researchers Anna Matamala, Carme Mangiron, and Estel·la Oncins (TransMedia, UAB), as well as three entities affiliated to the AccessCat Network: ACPA, FESOCA and SOM Fundació.
