
The AccessCat Network and its members organise and participate in different types of activities and actions.

Some activities are addressed to the public—such as awareness-raising activities, demonstrations, showcases, and some training activities—and some actions are carried out within the research groups—such as international missions or standardisation activities.

Awareness-raising Activities

Activities organised by researchers in the network in order to spread their knowledge on accessibility to society. The goal is to raise awareness on how important it is for everyone to have access to communication and information, as well as to offer innovative solutions.

International Missions

Activities abroad through which researchers in the network acquire new abilities and knowledge that will help them transfer their specific research to society.


Researchers in the network participate in drafting regulations, standards, or high-level documents in European and international bodies (ISO, UNE, ITU, CEN, EBU…) to ensure accessibility is taken into account in public policies.


Capsules or training sessions on accessibility to information and communication geared towards companies, institutions, and entities. There is also training for researchers in the network on how to evaluate and transfer research results.

Support for Disruptive Solutions

Contest addressed to researchers in the network to fund and support innovative proposals that find solutions to issues related to accessibility to communication and information.

Demonstrations and Showcases

Activities held by researchers in the network at fairs, congresses and conferences to show the technologies and services created by the research groups.

Future Activities

Past Activities

  • Day:
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    France Télévisions, Paris

The European Broadcasting Union (EBU) is holding its Access Services Community Meeting, which brings together dozens of experts in accessibility and content access to discuss, exchange ideas, and present new technological developments, success stories, and issues regarding accessibility in the audiovisual world. Anna Matamala, the network's director, will be participating.

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A day dedicated to knowledge transfer in the field of education. Xavier Rubio (DIDPATRI) participates in a roundtable discussion in which he will talk about the design of transformative and accessible video games. An event by the Faculty of Education (University of Barcelona).

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    Cavtat, Croatia

Researchers Geraint Paul Rees, Blanca Arias-Badia, Elisenda Bernal, and Sergi Torner are participating in the 21st EURALEX International Congress Lexicography and Semantics with a workshop on accessibility for dictionary creators, linguistic software developers, and lexicography researchers.

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La Escuela de la Administración Pública de Cataluña organiza una jornada de diálogo y reflexión sobre la comunicación efectiva y transparente de la Administración con la ciudadanía. Participa Horacio Saggion (TALN, UPF) con la ponencia "La inteligencia artificial (IA) al servicio de la simplificación de textos".

The Catalan School of Public Administration organises a day of dialogue and reflection on effective and transparent communication between the administration and society. Horacio Saggion (TALN, UPF) participates with a presentation titled "Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Service of Text Simplification".