The 6x15 series: Accessibility June consists of 6 videos in which researchers discuss the essentials of accessibility in 15 minutes.

Last June, AccessCat organised the event 6x15: Accessibility June, two days of conferences about accessibility in different fields of interest. 

These conferences resulted in the series of the same name: 6x15: Accessibility June, 6 videos lasting 15 minutes each in which researchers from the research groups DIDPATRI, TRACTE, NODES, TransMedia Catalonia, TRaDiLex, and GRIHO discuss the essentials of accessibility. 

The series is now available on AccessCat's YouTube channel. To make viewing the materials easier, there is a playlist with the six capsules. Below are the links for each capsule: 

  1. Accessibility in Direct Public Attention, by Andrea Granell Querol from the DIDPATRI research group at the University of Barcelona.
  2. How to Use Accessibility for Language Learning, by Floriane Bardini from the TRACTE research group at the University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia.
  3. Accessibility in Social Media, by Cris Ladaga from the NODES research group at the Open University of Catalonia.
  4. Accessible Audio Guides and the Use of AI Tools, by Estel·la Oncins from the TransMedia Catalonia research group at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
  5. How to Make a Show or Festival Accessible, by Blanca Arias Badia from the TraDiLex research group at Pompeu Fabra University.
  6. How to Validate Accessibility in Web Environments, by Afra Pascual from the GRIHO research group at the University of Lleida.
Cover photo of the 6x15: Accessibility June



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