On 13 November, the research groups TraDiLex (UPF) and TransMedia Catalonia (UAB) will explore inclusion in educational and political spaces through research from the UNIVAC and MILE projects

TraDiLex and TransMedia Catalonia, research groups in the AccessCat Network, as well as Associació Kudwa, which works to achieve social cohesion for migrant communities, will participate in Science Week in Catalonia with the webinar Educational and Political Spaces For All”. This event will be held on Monday, 13 November, from 17:00 to 18:00.

Researchers from AccessCat will offer a unique opportunity to explore new frontiers in inclusion in educational and political spaces through the results and guidelines from two initiatives that work to raise awareness on inclusion in digital and physical spaces: MILE and UNIVAC.

The MILE project (AMIF-2020-AG-CALL-03 101038364) focuses on the inclusion of migrants in policymaking, with the goal of identifying best practices and guides to improve accessibility for migrants in political and participatory spaces, both online and in-person. This study includes four cities in the EU and offers relevant information  for the whole EU territory. The event will present the project’s results, along with the guidelines to help create accessible political spaces for everyone, whether online or in-person.

UNIVAC (ref. TED2021-130926A-I00) is a project from the Ministry of Spain that assesses accessibility needs in higher education for persons with sensory disabilities (university students, administrative staff, and lecturers). During this event, UNIVAC will explore the challenges and strengths of accessible education within the Metaverse. 

We welcome you to register to learn more about the latest trends in inclusion in educational and political spaces.

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