The AccessCat Network’s Advisory Board is comprised of representatives from institutions, businesses, and entities in various areas of activity

The AccessCat Network’s Advisory Board, made up of eight representatives from the economic, civil society, administration, and research sectors, has been formally established during a virtual meeting which was held today. During the session, the director of the Network, Anna Matamala, presented the Network, reviewed its objectives and organisation, and presented the members of the Board:

  • Santi Aragonès, Secretary and Vice President of the Catalan Audiovisual Cluster and member of WallVideo
  • Laia Asso, General Director of Inclusive Education at the Government of Catalonia
  • Raül Casas, Director of Universal Accessibility at TMB
  • Sílvia Garre, Director of Digital Development at the Centre for Telecommunications and Information Technology (CTTI)
  • Joan Heras, member of the Catalan Association for the Integration of the Blind (ACIC)
  • Agnès Pros Fierro, Senior Technician at the Assessment, Studies, and Transparency Service of the Technical Board of the Department of Culture
  • Jean-Marc Segarra, Head of Accessibility and General Director of Public Centres at the Government of Catalonia
  • Rosa Vallverdú, Head of Accessibility at the Corporació Catalana de Mitjans Audiovisuals (CCMA)

The functions of the Advisory Board are to suggest challenges for which the groups may offer solutions and to develop new actions in terms of training, technology transfer, innovation, and dissemination. The Advisory Board will periodically meet with the director and promoter to follow up on all these issues and evaluate the activity programme. Furthermore, members of the Board will also support the Network by promoting it and raising awareness. 

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