In the first semester of 2023, the AccessCat Network opened three new calls for funding to help fund awareness-raising activities, standardisation activities, and international missions. Funding for several activities has already been approved, and more can be funded in September

The AccessCat Network offers various funding opportunities for its members, among which the calls for awareness-raising activities, standardisation activities, and international missions stand out.

The first call for awareness-raising activities on accessibility has an initial budget of €12,000 and intends to fund actions performed by groups within the AccessCat Network whose goal it is to raise awareness on information and communication accessibility in the social and business fabric based on knowledge generated by the research groups.

The call for standardisation activities offers €3,000 for the year 2023 and intends to fund actions performed by groups within the AccessCat Network whose goal it is to participate in drafting regulations/standards or high-level documents (policy papers, etc.) in institutions, standardising organisations, and European and international references in the field of communication and information accessibility.

Finally, €7,500 are destined to the development of international missions in 2023 in which members of the AccessCat Network can acquire new skills and knowledge that facilitate the valorisation and transference of their research in the Network’s scope of action.

So far, four awareness-raising activities, two international missions, and two standardisation activities have been approved, most of which will take place after summer. More activities in the three call categories are planned for funding in September.

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