On 18th October, from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m., CLiC, MiA, QURBIS, and ReLaTe research groups will showcase four accessibility-related technologies developed by researchers within the Network.

The research groups in the Network work, among other things, to develop technologies that ensure accessibility to communication and information. And the Network is committed to helping them transfer their research results to society.

That is the goal of the series The AccessCat Demos: Accessibility Technologies, a day dedicated to showcasing accessibility technologies developed by researchers in the Network. Would you like to see how they work? Would you like to know what they’re used for? Are you interested in discovering new accessibility technologies you could use in your organisation, institution, or company? Sign up for the event: it's online, free, and open to the public.

It will take place on Friday, 18th October 2024, from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Full programme:

  • 13:00 – SCRIBAL: Transcription and automatic speech synthesis technology for specific domains (Mireia Farrús, CLiC – UB).
  • 13:15 – ImAc Player Accessibility Layer (Mario Montagut, MiA – i2Cat).
  • 13:30 – Accessible digital twins (Jordi Casals, QURBIS – UPC).
  • 13:45 – HablaVídeo: Innovative platform for pragmatic language teaching (Isabel Gibert, ReLaTe – URV).

Register here.

All demos will be in Catalan, with subtitles and Catalan Sign Language (LSC) interpreting.

The demonstrations are independent, so attendees can join only the ones they’re interested in. However, prior registration is required.

Poster for the event AccessCat Demos.



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