On 29 November, the two governing bodies of AccessCat met to tackle, among other items, the incorporation of new members into the Network and to evaluate the first year of activity.

The two governing bodies of the AccessCat Network met on 29 November at the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting at the UAB. In first place, the Network’s Board, which includes representatives from universities and AccessCat research groups, has met to assess the actions that were undertaken in 2023 and to discuss the incorporation of new research groups and affiliate entities.

Thus, the research group NEOLCYT, from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, and the entities ACCAPS, AGILS, DifuSord, DINCAT and Plurals will now become a part of AccessCat. With these new additions, the number of research groups that make up the AccessCat Network has gone from 14 to 15, and the affiliate entities have risen from 43 to 48.

Then, the Executive Committee, which includes coordinators from different fields within the AccessCat Network, also met to prepare the first funding call for disruptive solutions that the Network will open and to prepare the 2024 period.

Members of the Network’s Board in a meeting



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