AccessCat Network
The Accessibility Innovation Network of Catalonia is a knowledge transfer network. We want to offer solutions to a diverse society where everyone should have access to information and communication
Fes servir les fletxes del teclat (esquerra i dreta) per navegar entre les diferents diapositives.
On 24th February and 11th March, the H2CAT Network and the AccessCat Network are organising a joint training session to provide free guidance on the Knowledge Industry programme by AGAUR. During two expert-led sessions, participants will gain insights into the programme and its three types of grants, have their frequently asked questions answered, receive practical advice, and get support in drafting their proposals.
Training exclusively for researchers from the H2CAT and AccessCat networks.
The LSC Lab research group, a member of the AccessCat Network, played a key role in developing the corpus, which will serve as a foundation for the standardisation of Catalan Sign Language. The platform is now available online for open access and download.
On the 5th of March and the morning of the 6th of March, we will be attending the MWC. You can find us at the UAB’s stand, the coordinating entity of the Network, in the 4FYN, the startup exhibition inside the congress.
Do you want to know more about AccessCat’s activities? Check out our agenda.
Who are they? What do they do? What technologies, services, and educational resources do they offer? Learn more about AFIN Barcelona, CLiC, DiCode, DIDPATRI, GIAP, GRIHO, GTI, LSC Lab, MiA, Neolcyt, NODES, QURBIS, ReLaTe, STS-b, TALN, TRACTE, TraDiLex, and TransMedia Catalonia.
PlanAccess is a new research-based methodology designed for the educational and cultural sectors, while SCRIBAL is a digital transcription tool for teaching. Developed respectively by the TraDiLex (UPF) and CLiC (UB) research groups, these two proposals are the winners of the First Call for Disruptive Solutions (2024).
The 15x15: Accessibility November and 6x15: Accessibility June series, organised by AccessCat and led by researchers from the network’s research groups, aim to raise awareness and teach basic accessibility concepts across various fields such as culture or tech. Also, now available online are the AccessCat Demos, demonstrations of the accessibility technologies developed by AccessCat researchers.
Are you an entity, company, or institution that shares the mission, values, and objectives of the network? Do you work in the field of communication and information accessibility, or is your mission to make your products, services, and activities more accessible? Become affiliated. All entities, companies, or institutions particularly interested in the network’s mission and its derived results are welcome to join AccessCat without any financial commitment. We look forward to hearing from you.