AccessCat Network

The Accessibility Innovation Network of Catalonia is a knowledge transfer network. We want to offer solutions to a diverse society where everyone should have access to information and communication

AccessCat expands and updates its catalogue of accessibility services, technologies, and resources

All items catalogued by the network have been developed by our groups and are based on their research. The catalogue has been expanded with new items, such as the AccessCat decalogue on accessibility to street art or the infographic More Accessible Museums and Heritage. Additionally, our catalogued technologies have been updated with the progress made by the researchers and redesigned to improve their clarity.

How to request Knowledge Industry grants? AccessCat can help you

On 11 March, from 12 to 2 pm, come to the second online training session focused on providing free advice, led by experts, on the AGAUR Knowledge Industry call. Only for researchers from the H2CAT and AccessCat networks.

Com presentar-se als Ajuts d'Indústria del Coneixement? Formació amb experts, preguntes freqüents, redacció de propostes. 24 de febrer i 11 de març, de 12 a 14 hores. En línia. Organitza Xarxa H2CAT i Xarxa AccessCat.

Discover the technology developed by the CLiC research group at Barcelona’s Education Fair

Barcelona’s Education Fair celebrates its 34th edition. The AccessCat Network will participate at EspaiCiència alongside researchers from CLiC (UB) on 27 March, from 4 to 6 pm, with the activity "Accessibility in the classroom: When hearing is a struggle".

These are the 18 research groups in the AccessCat Network

Who are they? What do they do? What technologies, services, and educational resources do they offer? Learn more about AFIN BarcelonaCLiCDiCodeDIDPATRIGIAPGRIHOGTILSC LabMiANeolcytNODESQURBISReLaTeSTS-bTALNTRACTETraDiLex, and TransMedia Catalonia.

Cardboard cubes with the logos of the research groups of the Network decorate the CCCB at the AccessCat Innovation Day.

Free online training capsules available from the AccessCat Network

The 15x15: Accessibility November and 6x15: Accessibility June series, organised by AccessCat and led by researchers from the Network’s research groups, aim to raise awareness and teach basic accessibility concepts across various fields such as culture or tech. Also, the AccessCat Demos, demonstrations of the accessibility technologies developed by AccessCat researchers, are now available online.

Join the AccessCat Network

Are you an entity, company, or institution that shares the mission, values, and objectives of the network? Do you work in the field of communication and information accessibility, or is your mission to make your products, services, and activities more accessible? Join AccessCat. All entities, companies, or institutions particularly interested in the Network’s mission and its derived results are welcome to join AccessCat without any financial commitment. We look forward to hearing from you.