
The AccessCat Network and its members organise and participate in different types of activities and actions.

Some activities are addressed to the public—such as awareness-raising activities, demonstrations, showcases, and some training activities—and some actions are carried out within the research groups—such as international missions or standardisation activities.

Awareness-raising Activities

Activities organised by researchers in the network in order to spread their knowledge on accessibility to society. The goal is to raise awareness on how important it is for everyone to have access to communication and information, as well as to offer innovative solutions.

International Missions

Activities abroad through which researchers in the network acquire new abilities and knowledge that will help them transfer their specific research to society.


Researchers in the network participate in drafting regulations, standards, or high-level documents in European and international bodies (ISO, UNE, ITU, CEN, EBU…) to ensure accessibility is taken into account in public policies.


Capsules or training sessions on accessibility to information and communication geared towards companies, institutions, and entities. There is also training for researchers in the network on how to evaluate and transfer research results.

Support for Disruptive Solutions

Contest addressed to researchers in the network to fund and support innovative proposals that find solutions to issues related to accessibility to communication and information.

Demonstrations and Showcases

Activities held by researchers in the network at fairs, congresses and conferences to show the technologies and services created by the research groups.

Future Activities

Past Activities

  • Day:
  • Time:
  • Place:

    CosmoCaixa, Barcelona

Four groups in the AccessCat Network (ReLaTe, TALN, TraDiLex, and TransMedia Catalonia) will participate in Research Night with the following activities:


  • “Digital content for all: Research on accessibility at Catalan universities”: Workshops to find out if we can create video games, dictionaries, and other accessible digital content for all, and if AI can help us do this. There will be Catalan sign language interpreting.
  • “Discovering cultural heritage in terms of accessibility and sustainability: Where the past meets the future”: Unveiling of the YoungArcHers, ATHENA, and WELL projects on accessibility to communication, culture, and education.
  • “Accessibility and inclusion in communication and the discussion on climate change and migration: GreenSCENT and MILE”: Interactive questions on sustainability and diversity to discover the strategies for change put forth by these two projects.
  • Day:
  • Place:

    Online, UAB i UPF

Training for researchers in the network on market competitiveness and how to transfer research results. Five sessions (some online, some on-site) to learn the basic concepts, put them into practice, and finally develop a competitive proposal.

  • Day:
  • Place:

    Autonomous University of Barcelona

Activities on accessibility for people with low vision and other blindness-related needs. These activities were conducted within the framework of Campus Ítaca, a socio-educational program at UAB aimed at secondary school students that involves a stay on campus during June and July.

  • Day:
  • Place:

    Sabadell (Spain)

Participation in the tenth edition of the Forum on Technologies and Innovation, an event aimed at promoting technological transfer and networking in R&D.