This training course is comprised of five sessions taught by Javier de la Ossa and Cristina Sáenz de Pipaón, experts in providing support to entrepreneurs and accelerators. From July to September, about twenty members of the Network will learn how to present competitive proposals in the market

One of the keys for successful transference is transforming the research results into products and services that are interesting for industry and society. With “Research and Market”, AccessCat’s first in-house training course, members of the Network will learn the core concepts on how to approach the market and present a competitive proposal.

Comprised of five sessions, this course is taught by Javier de la Ossa, expert in offering support to entrepreneurs and accelerators, and Cristina Sáenz de Pipaón, doctor in physics, entrepreneur, and also a trainer for entrepreneurs and innovation programmes. All the capsules have a theoretical and practical part that allows members to apply everything they learn.

The first session, held virtually on 21 July, introduced the basic concepts on how to approach the market with the title “Client, value proposal, and business model”. The next session, on 27 July, will also be virtual and will focus on the essentials of market studies.

Training will continue in-person in September, with a session at the UAB on the 8th focused on technological transfer and viability plans. 

The final stage, “Research and Market” will take place on 12 September at the UPF and on the 18th at the UAB, with two sessions that concentrate con preparing competitive proposals for transference, as the culmination of all the concepts and ideas seen during the previous sessions.

Members of AccessCat look at their computers while listening to a teacher



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