The series The AccessCat Demos: Accessibility Technologies showcase four accessibility-related technologies developed by the CLiC, MiA, QURBIS, and ReLaTe research groups.
Last October, the AccessCat Network organised the session The AccessCat Demos: Accessibility Technologies, a day dedicated to showcasing accessibility technologies developed by researchers in the Network. These technologies are designed to provide tools that ensure accessibility to communication and information.
Are you interested in discovering new accessibility technologies you could use in your organisation, institution, or company? The series is now available on AccessCat's YouTube channel. There is a playlist with the four capsules to make viewing the materials easier. Below are the links for each capsule:
- SCRIBAL: Transcription and automatic speech synthesis technology for specific domains (Mireia Farrús, CLiC – UB).
- ImmAcc Player Accessibility Layer (Mario Montagut, MiA – i2Cat).
- Accessible digital twins (Jordi Casals, QURBIS – UPC).
- HablaVídeo: Innovative platform for pragmatic language teaching (Isabel Gibert, ReLaTe – URV).
All demos are in Catalan, with subtitles and Catalan Sign Language (LSC) interpreting.
You can also read more about the technologies in AccessCat's catalogue [in English]: SCRIBAL, ImmAcc Player Accessibility Layer, Accessible digital twins, and HablaVídeo.